How to Optimise Your Website – User Experience

Are you aware of the benefits of an optimised webpage? A well-designed user interface could raise your website’s conversion rate by up to 200%, and a better UX design could yield conversion rates up to 400%, according to Intechnic. Clearly, the role of web design plays a central role in increasing user engagement.

This is the second half of our two-part web design series, with tips to make your website both visually and functionally attractive to its desired audience. In this article we will explore the considerations associated with User Experience (UX). In essence, UX is about optimising the function of your website, creating a smooth, enjoyable ride for users.


Function Considerations

Before it comes to content, a good website should meet certain requirements in this day and age.

  • Mobile Responsiveness: With the majority of users accessing websites from mobile devices, ensuring your site is mobile-friendly is non-negotiable. Responsive design adapts your site’s layout to various screen sizes, providing a seamless experience across all devices. In fact, research from Google shows that 74% of people are more likely to return to a site when it is optimised for mobile.
  • Speed Optimisation: Fast loading times are crucial for retaining visitors. Optimise your website’s performance minimising the use of heavy scripts and reviewing useful and unnecessary text. Users expect pages to load quickly, and delays can lead to increased bounce rates.


Layout Considerations                                                                                     

When they’re looking through your website, you want the user to feel at ease. The structure of your website plays a key role in UX. Prioritising a clean, intuitive webpage can significantly improve user satisfaction.

  • Number of Pages: The number of pages your website has should be tailored towards your audience and intention. For instance, some businesses may prefer one-pagers for simplicity and ease of navigation. This approach can be particularly beneficial for start-ups or small businesses that want to convey their message efficiently.
  • Word Count: Give the users what they need. Provide them with enough information, but don’t drown the page in text. Aim for clarity and conciseness.


Feature Considerations

Don’t hold back on making the most of your website! Including features like case studies and interactive aspects like CTAs can increase the active duration a user spends on your site.

  • Case Studies: Displaying case studies on your website can significantly enhance credibility. Potential clients want to see proof of your expertise and the results you’ve achieved for others. Detailed case studies provide insights into your process and success stories.
  • Insights: Sharing industry insights and thought leadership articles can position your business as a knowledgeable authority in your field. This not only attracts traffic but also engages users with valuable content.
  • CTAs: Effective placement of ‘Call-To-Actions’ (CTAs) are crucial. They should be strategically positioned at multiple entry points throughout your site to guide users towards taking desired actions, such as downloading resources or contacting you.


SEO Considerations

  • Keyword Research: Thorough keyword research is the foundation of effective SEO. Tools like SEMrush and Yoast SEO can help identify the terms your target audience is searching for. Bringing these keywords naturally into your content improves your site’s visibility on search engines.
  • SEO Methods: Implementing technical SEO methods is equally important. This includes using H1 tags for headings, semantic HTML to improve accessibility, adding alt text to images, and incorporating META descriptions. Additionally, using Google Search Console to force page indexing ensures that your website’s new or updated content is quickly recognised by search engines.

A webpage that successfully balances aesthetic form and effective function is vital for attracting and retaining visitors. By focusing on function, layout, features and SEO, you can create a website that not only draws traffic but also converts visitors into loyal customers. Regular updates and reviews will keep your site aligned with evolving user expectations and ahead of the competition.

Ready to enhance your website’s UI and UX? Reach out to Kate at to learn how we can help you.

