A Technology-led Investment Fund


A technology-led investment fund were looking for a digital marketing partner to support them to increase their online presence and drive traffic to their website. The fund’s marketing strategy included strategies which assisted their aim of increasing their brand awareness, providing social proof, and building the brands of key personnel in the fund.

The fund were recommended to reach out to the Lacewing team as our niche industry knowledge allowed us to begin working together quickly and efficiently without having to share basic knowledge of a regulated market.

Key results.

Increased social visibility & engagement

Improved marketing strategy and output

Managed content ideas and creation

Improved SEO

Built brand awareness

“Partnering with Lacewing Media was the right choice to take our marketing to the next level. Their ‘always-on’ marketing, great communication, and flexible strategy pairs well with their thorough dedication. Our partnership has truly been a game-changer for our business.”

The Challenge.

Our primary focus was to build brand awareness and social proof of an emerging fund. To stimulate this, we increased posting on LinkedIn, through a bespoke strategy with written content aimed at improving SEO. This included facing the oversaturation of content surrounding the fund’s strategy in the media which had left the business struggling to gain visibility amidst their various competitors. Traditional SEO had proved insufficient in capturing the nuances of their unique value proposition, necessitating a more tailored approach to content creation and optimisation.

The Solution.

Understanding a need for a bespoke SEO strategy, we collaborated closely with the client team to devise a solution to their specific requirements. Completing a deep dive for marketing copy, we collated technical and niche content to overcome the saturation, creating a stronger digital presence for the business. We also presented a plan to review the strategy after three month and six months to adjust the strategy and forecasting expectations over the following months.

The Results.

The collaborative efforts of our partnership culminated in a significant improvement in SEO performance. Leveraging detailed, technical phrasing helped us to differentiate the business from its competitors and capture the attention of prospective investors searching for tech driven solutions. Organic traffic to the company’s website also saw an increase, accompanied by an increase in overall engagement metrics and lead generation. The improved visibility also translated into a tangible business outcome, with a noticeable uptick in investor acquisitions. With our cohesive strategy, the Lacewing team provided a clear and straightforward outlook which provided results, giving the investment managers the confidence that they made the right decision.

If you’d like to have a chat about a similar project or marketing campaign then please get in touch and arrange a FREE Consultation.